Most households these days come with its own built-in bomb shelter, but it does not necessarily present itself as the most aesthetically pleasing section in any home. Luckily for us, there are many different ways to transform your bomb shelter into something that encompasses both form and function.
Hidden behind a storage cabinet
If you don’t want to make any changes to the immediate exterior of your bomb shelter, how about constructing a full-length storage cabinet that encompasses the entire surface area of the bomb shelter instead? You can store anything from shoes to household accessories to novelties – the storage options are endless! Besides concealing the unsightly feature, you’ll also be fully maximising whatever white space you have left with the additional storage units.

Image credit: Z L Construction
An outlet for your creativity
Akin to a blank canvas, you can actually also treat the bomb shelter facade as a way to showcase your creativity. Inexpensive, easy to install and without the need for extra renovation works, wallpapers or wall decals are a great way to start. For the more adventurous, you can even turn a section of the wall into a large chalkboard – dry-erase wallpapers would work too – for jotting down grocery shopping lists, memos for other members of the family, or to simply draw up a storm whenever you feel like it.
Flaunt it with a decor feature
Instead of trying to draw attention away from the bomb shelter, you can instead embrace the place it has within your home by flaunting it with a decorative feature – such as a built-in fish tank instead. For a simpler yet still aesthetically pleasing way to dress up the bomb shelter, you can also turn it into your very own ‘hall of fame’ by decorating the exterior with framed pictures of your loved ones.

Image credit: Dreamcatcher Interior Design
Hidden behind mirrors
Due to its big stature, the immediate spaces surrounding a bomb shelter can seem narrow and claustrophobic, but you can get around this issue by simply by lining the outside with a series of mirror panels. Not only do the mirror panels hide your bomb shelter from view, they are also able to create the illusion of depth by reflecting light, in turn helping to make your home appear brighter and larger.
Blended in with your home decor
Bomb shelters usually come in a shade of white, which may look out of place in homes that adhere to a specific design theme. Erecting a feature wall that is in line with the theme of your home will help you conceal your bomb shelter effectively while still matching your overall home decor. As such, always make sure to take this space into consideration whenever you’re discussing renovation plans with your contractor.

Image credit: akiHAUS