6 Useful New Year Resolutions for Your Home

The start of a brand-new year is often accompanied by a fresh set of resolutions. From ambitious promises to clean out an overly-cluttered storeroom to lofty goals of getting a messy kitchen in order – there seems to be a never-ending number of household resolutions that we fail to keep year-after-year.

However, it’s too early to throw in the towel yet. We offer 6 simple resolutions that will help you wipe the slate clean, literally.

Bring in colour

bring in colour

Tired of being surrounded by the same shade of white all the time? Perhaps, it is time to bring in some fresh colours. Hang up a painting, purchase new furniture covers, or clad floors in fanciful tiles to breathe new life into your home.

Pack up ornaments

After the last firecracker has been popped and the final slice of Christmas turkey eaten, be sure to pack up the holiday ornaments! While it might be a relatively simple straightforward resolution to have, cleaning up after the holidays is one way to ensure an uncluttered home in the months to come.

Use more organisers


Boxes, baskets and files are your best allies in keeping your home neat and tidy. Use labelled containers to your advantage by creating dedicated storage bins for your knick-knacks. Store photos, statements and other important documents in folders for easy reference in the future.

Purchase new tools

Tidying up can be a frustrating task when it involves using broken, worn-out or outdated equipment that refuse to work as intended. Get a replacement for those frayed brooms or that old vacuum cleaner which causes a blackout every other time it gets plugged in.

Stop hoarding

garbage disposal

Hoarding is by-and-large a harmless habit that many homeowners have, but it is definitely an insidious one. Refrain from keeping that rusty, oil-stained wok that your mother-in-law gifted you a decade ago or those phone bills from 1998. If they are not going to do any favours in keeping your home free from clutter, throw them out – you don’t need them.

Tidy up regularly

Most people consider tidying up as a time-consuming and boring task, but this attitude can be changed by following a regular schedule. The more frequently you declutter your home, the easier it will be in the future, as things get more organised with every subsequent session. Simply resolve to set aside 20-30 minutes to sort, pack or wipe for every day of 2017, and you will soon be on the way to a spotless home.