An Air-tight Guide To Caring For Air Plants

Air plants, or tillandsias, are perhaps some of the easiest plants to care for. They require minimal maintenance. They don’t need to grow in a bed of soil. And they make for perfect indoor companions. Even those lacking a green thumb can handle this sturdy house plant. All you need is air, water, and sunlight – perfect the proportion and you’ll have a flourishing air plant in no time. Here are some fool-proof tips to help you care for these unusually stylish plants.


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This comes as no surprise – air plants require plenty of air to grow. So don’t hide them in enclosed containers; expose them to circulating air. They love moisture, so keep them away from your fans or air-conditioning, which will dry them out quickly.


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For air plants, the leaves handle the job of absorbing water and nutrients. But just misting the leaves itself will not be adequate. Once or twice weekly, submerge them in a basin of water for two to three hours and shake off the excess. Collected water left on the plant might actually harm it.

An easy way to tell if your air plant requires hydrating is through the leaves. They should be green and sturdy; not shrivelled and curled. If possible, use rain water or bottled water. Singapore’s tap water should be fine, but leave it out for several hours to let the chemicals dissipate if possible.


Air plants thrive under bright indirect light sources. Artificial light sources work as well. But avoid direct sunlight – they can dry out your air plant quickly.


As your air plant begins to mature under your thoughtful care, its perfectly fine to trim the leaves as new ones starts to grow. Mature air plants might sprout young “pup” offsprings, which can be removed, or left to grow and intertwine with your original plant.