Feng Shui Advice On How To Use Colour In Your Home To Usher In Good Fortune

Incorporating the right colours into your home can be auspicious for your future prospects. Here are some feng shui advice on using colours to create good vibes in your humble abode.

It’s all about balance 
Feng shui is about balancing the energy at home, so if your house is too dark, using bright colours can balance the flow of energy. Apply off-white tones with a combination of blue, light green, orange or red in the living room. On the other hand, if your home receives too much light or if it faces a building with a reflective surface, you should tone it down with brown or grey tones, and complement it with a touch of blue or maroon.

Image credit: Fuse Concept

Image credit: Fuse Concept

Hues to use
While there are no hard and fast rules to abide by when it comes to using colours to increase your feng shui “rating” at home, there are certain colours homeowners can use in different parts of the home to create good energy flow.

Using warm colours with a touch of brown in the bedroom can promote good sleep. In the living room, off-white tones with a touch of green represent positive energy. A mix of green, blue and red in the kitchen promotes wealth for the household as it represents a good combination of wood, water and fire elements respectively. In the dining room, using green tones promotes prosperity and positive communication. In the home office of study, a metallic a touch of gold or silver paint set against a brown background helps to promote career growth and breakthrough.

Image credit: Minimo & Minimology

Image credit: Minimo & Minimology

Go for grey instead of black
While it may be a trendy shade to use in contemporary homes, black should be used sparingly as it promotes too much yin energy, which represents the passive energy of silence and darkness. If you are keen to play around with dark colours in your home for design purposes, use grey tones instead. They are easier to blend with other colours to create a balanced space flowing with positive energy.

Image credit: KDOT Associates

Image credit: KDOT Associates