Sure, wallpapers are great for adding colour and a sense of glamour to a room but what if you have some leftover pieces? Here are some unique ways you can use that last square inch of wallpaper to decorate the rest of your space!
Create a patchwork feature wall
Here’s a tip that will be a bang for your buck – mix and match spare or leftover wallpaper to create a simple but unique patchwork feature wall. As there is no need to line it up with other strips for a neat finish, this patchwork effect is a fool proof method if you plan to apply these decorative surfaces yourself.
Dress up your stairs
Aside from applying wallcoverings to your walls, you can use them to dress up or update your furniture and fittings, including your dressers, stair risers, ceilings and the backs of display units.
Table runner
Dazzle family and guests alike by adding some drama to your dining table with a chic, eye-catching table runner fashioned from wallpaper.
Decorative surface covering
Change up your white switch plates, plain wooden shelves, trays or lamps by covering them in the decorative surface of your choice for a vintage or modern look.
Alternative headboard
Forgo cumbersome headboards for its convenient cousin – simply cut your chosen wallpaper into an intricate shape and apply onto a wall for a less bulky and obtrusive alternative.
This was adapted from an article originally published in the November 2016 issue of SquareRooms.