7 Must-Have Bedroom Items For Your Most Comfortable And Luxurious Boudoir Ever | SquareRooms

7 Must-Have Bedroom Items For Your Most Comfortable And Luxurious Boudoir Ever

As the room in which you spend one-third of your life in, your bedroom should encompass fittings and furnishings that is highly personalised to your taste. This will ensure that you start and end each day in the best form possible. Here are 7 must-have items in your bedroom to create your best boudoir yet.

A comforting colour palette

Everything in your bedroom should exude comfort, and a great way to achieve that is through the room’s colour palette. Whether you prefer warm or cool shades, pick colours that you naturally gravitate toward, and then clad your walls in the chosen colour. Besides giving you a sense of calm, the colour of your walls will also help you narrow down the colours of your furnishings .

Image courtesy of Design Hotels

Image courtesy of Design Hotels

A variety of lighting options

For many people, bedrooms are more than just a place to sleep. From reading and working to dressing up and sleeping, bedrooms are multi-functional spaces. As such, you should plan your lighting for the ways you use the space. Warm overhead lights are great for setting a general ambience in the room but should come with a dimmer for when you’re preparing to head to bed. And if you do a lot of reading, be sure to keep a cool-light shaded task lamp on your nightstand to prevent eyestrain.

Image credit: TM Design Studio

Image credit: TM Design Studio

A designated work area

Although we don’t advise working in the bedroom, sometimes it’s a necessary evil, and you’ll find yourself sending late-night e-mails to colleagues or typing up a proposal. As such, assign a small desk at a corner of your room for all your work needs, and leave all your tech there before heading to bed. After all, the bedroom is about sleeping, and if you have a smartphone with you, it will keep you up later than necessary and your mind will be left churning for longer before you can drift off to sleep.

Image credit: Nu Infinity

Image credit: Nu Infinity

An adequately-sized mirror

When placed in any room of a home, mirrors lend a pretty magical design element to a space. They have an ability to make the room feel larger and brighter, whether you decide to mount them up on a wall or to simply prop one up against the wall. In addition, they also allow you to do one last outfit-check before you head out to start your day!

Image credit: Lauren Coleman

Image credit: Lauren Coleman

A collection of your favourite things

A cluster of pieces that inspires and makes you smile time and time again can go a long way in making a bedroom feel just right. Whether they are beautiful scenery shots or family photos, your favourite artwork or framed prints of inspirational quotes, make sure you place them in your line of sight upon waking up. That way, they’ll always be the first thing you’ll see in the mornings and you’ll always start your morning feeling happy.

Image credit: IKEA

Image credit: IKEA

A personalised nightstand

Because they are a common sight in bedrooms all over the world, online blogs and print magazines related to interior design have since come up with their own collection of design inspirations for nightstands. But while you might feel inclined to emulate them, you should bear in mind that nightstands best serve their purpose when they’re set up in a way that best caters to your needs. So, do away with the mindset that it has to be stunningly set up to be perfect, and start putting your own spin to it – the more “you” it feels, the better it will work.

Image credit: Avenue Lifestyle

Image credit: Avenue Lifestyle

The perfect mattress

This should go without saying, but you should only cap off your perfect bedroom experience with the perfect mattress. After all, if you’re not getting quality sleep night after night, you wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate a beautiful room. Although bed purchases are unique to each individual, some general rules to follow are that the mattress should keep you cool through the night and give you great lumbar support based on the type of sleeper you are, e.g. back, side or front sleeper.

Image credit: Khoo Guo Jie for WHITE

Image credit: Khoo Guo Jie for WHITE