Why leave your walls bare when you can dress them up with these ingenious DIY crafts?
Statement clock
This eye-catching mountain-inspired clock that is sure to add some playfulness to your space. To make, draw out the shapes of mountains on two separate pieces of balsa wood, which can be bought from craft supply stores. Note that one “mountain” should be larger than the other. Cut out the shapes using a handsaw and glue the smaller piece in front of the large one. Drill a hole in the centre of the board and attach clock hands according to instructions.
Dressy mirror
Here’s an easy way to dress up that wall mirror – with a series of wooden craft beads! You’ll need three to four differently-sized beads for this and some twine. Start with the largest beads and thread them together. Continue with the second largest beads and so on until you form a necklace long enough to frame and hang your mirror. Attach the largest and second largest beads to the edge of the mirror with hot glue. The remaining parts of the beads can be used to hang the mirror on hooks.

Featuring Karpenter Brooklyn bookcase, sideboard, vintage radio, recycled rubber vase, vintage camera, Kimu candleholder, and Paper Pulp vase, all from Mountain Teak
Stationery organiser
These wall “pockets” are great for keeping your study or bedroom organised as they are perfectly sized to store odds and ends, like stationery and make-up tools. And guess what? They are made from empty liquid soap bottles! All you need to do is draw out a basket-like template on a clean bottle. Cut out the shape using a craft knife, and if needed, use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges. You can hang the container up with hooks or with wooden knobs drilled into the wall.

Featuring Twist rack and vintage accent table from Mountain Teak
Paper craft
There is no doubt that art can instantly liven up a living space. But why spend lots of money when you can make it yourself? This way, you can show off your very own masterpiece. You will need some square origami paper in your desired colours. To make the three-dimensional mini structures, fold each paper into a pyramid shape. Once you have created enough pyramids for your wall art, attach them to a large piece of paper with tape and hang it up where you can wow your guests.

Featuring Rust Bebop sideboard, Grasshopper outdoor armchair, and Paper Pulp vase, all from Mountain Teak
Boxed art frames
This is perhaps the easiest display shelf you will ever make: using variously sized wooden boxes (we got ours from Daiso), line the bottoms with coloured construction paper cut to size. Attach a hook to the back of each box and hang them up!

Featuring vintage desk, Las Sillas miniature chairs, mini bowl, and vintage cars, all from Mountain Teak
Mini vertical garden
Love greenery but lack the space to house them? How about creating this adorable vertical garden? Cut a few strips of faux leather to form the brackets for the planters, you can glue them in place to secure. Then loop the brackets through a wired tray or fence. It’s that simple!

Featuring Bela Design candleholders from Mountain Teak
This was adapted from an article originally published in the June 2017 issue of SquareRooms. Photography: Wong Weiliang; craftwork: Beh Kheng Hee & Linda Setiono; shot on location at Mountain Teak