How to Pay for Your HDB Resale Flat: Cash, CPF, HDB Loans and Bank Loans

Buying a resale HDB flat can be quite complicated, and the financial planning gets easily overwhelming. How much do you pay in cash? Can you use your CPF to pay for a resale flat? How do HDB and bank loans work?

To help you gain a better understanding of how to finance and pay for your resale HDB flat, we broke down the financial planning for you below, including the smallest payments you may not even have considered.

Paying cash for your resale HDB flat

During the Option to Purchase

paying cash for resale hdb flat option to purchase

During the resale application

paying cash for resale hdb flat resale application

After the resale completion

paying cash for resale hdb flat after resale completion

Using CPF to buy a resale HDB flat

using cpf to buy a resale hdb flat

Find out how much CPF you can use to buy a resale HDB flat here.

Getting a HDB loan to buy a resale flat

getting a hdb loan to buy a resale hdb flat

Get a valid HFE letter here, obtain the Option to Purchase here and check your eligibility for a HDB loan here.

Taking a bank loan to pay for your HDB resale flat

taking a bank loan to buy and pay for a resale hdb flat

What CPF housing grants can you get?

cpf housing grants for a resale hdb flat

Check out the September issue of SquareRooms, out in September 2023, for more budgeting advice and property tips!